Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day

Another Valentines Day is here and all in all it went well. No big plans but I think Terra was happy in general. She got her typical Flowers/Candy/Card/Stuffed Animal fare and I cooked breakfast and then cleaned up the kitchen so she didn't need to. These things made her smile, which in turn made me smile so they were good for both of us.

There was something that became increasingly clear this year though as I went through the aisles of Fred Meyer to buy my wares and that was that there was not a single female in the entire section. It was as if I was on a halfway sunken ship that all of the women and children had already abandoned. There were easily 25 guys staring at the wall of cards blankly, and countless others meandering the aisles hoping that something might jump off the shelf and into their cart.

This really is the only holiday that it seems is truly one sided. Guys don't expect, and generally don't recieve anything special on February 14th, but ask any woman in your life, wether she is 15 or 50 and you can bet some form of gift was recieved...or that she will soon be of those two is always true.

So happy valentines day everyone. Ladies enjoy your gifts, guys here's to hoping you didn't screw up the formula too badly.


  1. That's why we don't celebrate it. I mean, Kev made me breakfast and we made a special dinner, but as for actual gifts and I tell Kevin that flowers on a NON holiday require much more thought than flowers on the day he is supposed to buy them.
    Plus, I hated it when I was single, so why should I suddenly rejoice when I'm married?
    And you SHOULD receive something special...just not in gift form, if you get my drift *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*

  2. I usually get flowers, that is kind of a tradition just like you getting them for Terra. Other than that I don't believe gifts are a big deal. Andy and I "celebrate" I guess you can say cause we like to go out to dinner but we didn't do that this year.

  3. I love flowers, any time:) and our bigest tradition is a monkey and a reeses heart (because they taste so much better than cups lol). Im sorry Mike that I didnt buy you anything. :( . As far as celebrating.. We dont exactly make a big deal but tradition is always great!! Thank you my love for my monkey and rose and my reeses heart! :)
